Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Mother's Day........

Mother's Day can be so many things for so many people.
It can be about loss, disappointment, love, anticipation and
just pure joy. Loss if you've ever lost a child or had a miscarriage
and disappointment for the moms-to-be who struggle to become
pregnant. I often think of how blessed I've been for these last
5 years of Mother's Days to have my beautiful children to make
me one of the lucky ones who can celebrate this day.

It also reminds me to pray for those moms in my life who
know loss and disappointment and may be feeling a bit sad.
I pray for the people who have already lost their mom or a child.
I pray for those people I know who are trying so hard to become
moms themselves. I pray that my daughter will also know the
joy of motherhood one day too. Then I always thank God for
My Mom, My Grandmothers, my "Aunt Connie" and my sister;
who all taught me how to be a good mom. They taught me to
love even when you're exhausted and feel like you have nothing
left. Every day they were/are examples of sacrifice for their
families and especially children; who bolster my spirits when I
need it most.

Mother's Day for me also often means a birthday. This year it
was my birthday but other years its my sister's or father's
birthdays in our family. My mom has always been such a good
sport about sharing her special day with us all over the years.
She would bake cherry chip cakes for me, or pies for my dad.
We would go out for dinner, stay home & BBQ and many years
we all met up with my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins to celebrate
with my Grandmas too.

I was pregnant with our daughter one year and 18 months
later brought our son home just in time for Mother's Day. I can
still remember the breeze in my hair as we carried our son in the
house and I wrapped my arms around my tiny daughter. I was
nervous, excited and so thankful all at once. I looked at my mom
and she too had tears of joy in her eyes and could probably think
back to a similar Mother's Day with a newborn baby in her arms
all those years ago.

This year was the quietest and one of the nicest Mother's Days
I've ever had. I didn't have to get all dressed up and got out for
dinner. I didn't have to iron everyone else's outfits & get them all
ready to go either. I stayed in bed and read the paper (ahh current
events) and drank my coffee while my family wrapped my gifts
& got breakfast ready. I loved listening to the excited giggles as
my "babies" helped Daddy get everything all ready. My most
favorite part of the day was that I got some of those memory
making, cherish forever types of gifts that the kids made me at
school. Picture frames, handmade cards, handmade giftwrap
& stationary along with romantic, thoughtful & even a funny
card too from the man who made me a mother.

Happy Mother's Day ladies! We're all blessed in our own ways.

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