Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why isn't there a welcome to Autism Packet?

Hi and Welcome to Autism! When my son was diagnosed with
Regressive Autism; I really felt as though there should have
been somebody like Julie McCoy from the Love Boat to usher
us into this new community & let us know what activities we
had scheduled. Developmental Intervention party of 2, ABA
party of 5 your tables are ready!!! Little did I know what I
really had ahead of me when the insensitive evaluator said as
her parting comment, "well at least now he'll qualify for the
Handicapped Preschool".

Initially, I felt like I wanted to run out into our quiet street
and yell that's the best you've got for me? You're the "expert"
and that's all you have to offer. Thankfully since that day our
family of 4 has been sent numerous angels to help us through
our journey on this crazy cruise. I won't lie to you either some
days it feels more like we're on that fateful 3 hour tour from
Gilligan's Island fame.

My precious Angel's name is Will. Will is going to be 4 this May
and has been diagnosed for almost two years now. William
arrived on Cinco De Mayo with great expectations from his
sister who turned 18 months old that same day. He was a
chubby faced, snuggly baby whose blond hair shone like a halo
as he camped at my breast. He weighed 10 pounds, measured
22" long and had 2 teeth. Yes, teeth!!! Our family was complete
and now my husband and I were living the American
Dream. Or so we thought until one cold day in December
of 2006!!!

Will hit his milestones and was developing normally according
to all the scales & the books. He was a loving, social, happy boy
and each time he smiled up into our faces we knew we were
blessed. When he was 18 months old he got sick for the first time
ever with an ear infection. It took two rounds of antibiotics to
clear it up. When we went back to the Pediatrician they said lets
get him caught up on some of his shots since his ear is all clear. I
had been going slow with vaccinations for both kids since learning
of other kids who were vaccination injured. I had told them I didn't
want an MMR until he was 3. It was on his chart in RED!!!!!!!!!

Megan (our daughter) was running through the office & I was
trying to catch her while the nurse & Pediatrician gave William an
MMR shot because they had it in stock. At first, I was angry that
they gave him the shot while I was chasing Megan around the
office. Then I was furious!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember hearing his cry from out in the waiting room & knowing
in my gut that it wasn't the same kind of distress cry. Moms need
to listen to their instincts and not let other people make them feel
silly for it. He screamed & cried all the way home and on and off
for hours that whole night. When I called the Pediatrician she told
me he needed some Tylenol and would be fine. The next day this
other child was in William's place and that child lost all of his words
he'd already learned. I'll never forget that day or the sinking feeling
in the pit of my stomach when I lifted my angel out of his bed. The
realization that my angel was gone slowly sunk in as he didn't turn
to us with his chubby cheeked smile when we said his name or how
he stopped running to the door to see who was there. He had a blank
stare and it was as if somebody had turned out his bright light. That
same Pediatrician insisted William was just being eclipsed by his
talkative older sister and I shouldn't worry. Others insisted he was
a late talker (he had already been talking) and countless others
tried to ease my mommy guilt by reassuring me he was okay and
his ears needed to be checked after that bad ear infection. I had
his ears checked and they were fine.

Will lost interest in many of the things he'd loved previously
and didn't seem to know how to play with his friends anymore.
He was a boy that weighed 10 pounds at birth and always had a
very healthy appetite until he was vaccination injured. He hardly
eats anything now and can't even have fun stuff like ice cream
anymore because it makes his symptoms worse. We never, ever
returned to that Pediatrician & some days I wish I could bump
into her out in the store as people are telling me I'm a bad
parent because my child is overwhelmed by all the noise &
lights and not behaving appropriately in their opinions.

I went against that Pediatrician's suggestions and called Early
Intervention. I put William into a research study just in case
so I could circumvent the 18 month long waiting list at the
Developmental Pediatrician. We got the diagnosis of Regressive
Autism. That Developmental Pediatrician served me the blow
of my lifetime when she told me my son had one of the worst
cases of Regressive Autism she'd ever seen and so it began.

The thoughtless words from other people that feel like sucker
punches to my stomach. The thoughtless people that think its
okay to approach you in the store and tell you that bad parenting
is the reason my child acts like he does sometimes when we go
into a store that overwhelms him. Or the other people that say
"oh its genetics".....maybe it is but do I thoughtlessly point
that out to you when you tell me your loved one has Cancer?

When you learn of the impending birth of a new baby as parents
we all have such dreams for them. The sports, trips, activities,
colleges, weddings & Grandchildren of your own that you dream
of for them. Suddenly when you hear Autism all of those dreams
shatter all around you and its just you & your family left to pick
up the pieces & figure out if any of its possible for them anymore.
For me, it translates into not knowing for sure if I'll ever hear
my beautiful Angel say his own name or even I love you mommy.

Welcome aboard.......we've been expecting you.

1 comment:

  1. RE: Vaccination Damage and Injury

    If your child's medical records were marked for no VAX and your son was vaxed. Then your consent was not given. Your doctor violated vaccine and state law. Vaxing without consent is grounds for the physician to lose their medical licensure. It is medical malpractice and a lawsuit. There is a consent form that is required in advance of the innoculation. Was that ever signed? If negative, then what happened was illegal.

    Is that physician's office and doctor aware of the vaccine injury? There is a database that tracks vaccine reactions so parents can be compensated and vaccine manufacturers are able to identify hot lots. Both the doctor and parent should file the incident in the database. If the doctor does not or will not file the parent can file separately of their own accord (The lot #s are in your child's permanent innoculation record).

    I work in a medical office and have seen many children who are autistic. I have witnessed vaccine reactions which should be filed in the VAERS database with the lot numbers. There is no cost to you to file a claim in VAERS. It is online at

    I know that this will not make up for your child's autism but the financial benefit to your family could be quite large and will pay for necessary interventions. In my experience children with vaccine damage are the best responders to non-traditional therapies when compared to those who missed milestones along the way or had other markers of autism before shots were administered. (Shots may then make the markers worse)


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